Monday, October 10, 2011


Here's the deal: none of us are perfect. End of story. That having been said, we should be very careful of the things we say to people and how those things may make others feel. Yes, I know I should be heeding my own advice here - and maybe I will one day. However, its just not nice to be unkind WHEN NOT PROVOKED. (Trust me, im all about some good, old fashioned character defamation when pissed...and I think, to a point, its a very healthy outlet.) I love to talk trash about every person who makes me mad...and when justified I don't feel bad about it...but just to say stuff because you didn't consider the other person's feelings? Nah. Not so much.

Moving on from that!

I watched "Waiting for "Superman" " the other day at work and it reignited a flame I've had in my heart for YEARS: education reform. Why is this so important? Let's think about the kids in our schools who are currently in high school...but reading on a 1st grade level. How is that child going to get a job? How is that child going to provide for him/herself and navigate their world? Now that you've given that some thought - consider this: who are going to be the people making community and societal decisions in the future? Those kids. They're our future - Whitney Houston was really on to something when she wrote that song. needs to be paid more attention to...and folks like Michelle Rhee and Geoffrey Canada are some true visionaries in this. Fight the good fight.
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