Wednesday, September 21, 2011


This is in response to some silliness going on on facebook regarding homosexuality that initially began as a discussion regarding don't ask, don't tell.

@ Michael: Hi! My name is Kari, and I'm gay. Let's do a little broadening of that narrow mind of yours, shall we? 1) I have slept with, dated and been engaged to men (well, the engagement was just to one man, but that's irrelevant) and what? It didn't work out - and not because there is anything wrong with me, or with just simply didn't work because I wasn't fully attracted to them. 2) As Janelle said, you did not wake up one morning and choose to be straight - it's just who you are. I did not wake up one morning and choose to be gay - it's just who I am. 3) If you're only goal in having sex is to pro-create...I feel very sad for you. Let's just be honest - we all have sex because sex is awesome...not because we hope that the end result of the act is a sperm fertilizing an egg. That's just insanity my friend. 4) I assure you that I do not want to marry my dog just because I would like to have the option of marrying my girlfriend (that's her in my profile picture, isn't she great?!) without anyone putting limitations on my life or how I live it. 5) I promise I'm not going to hell. How do I know this for certain? I wake up every morning and work with kids who are either physically, emotionally, or cognitively disabled. I work with kids in poverty and kids who may or may not be able to ever live independently - at the end of the day, the parents of my kids do not care about my sexual orientation...they only care that I am able to unconditionally love and support their kids to learn and grow within their current academic setting. And no, I am not a child molester or any other ridiculous nonsense that one could possibly put in right here. 6) I don't want to marry my dog, or any other animal for that matter - I'm gay, I'm not practicing beastiality...that's just an insane thought that the two would even go together. 7) I am not judging or discriminating against you and calling you a breeder or making other wildly outlandish assumptions about you or the way you live your life. Why? well mostly because I simply do not care, and more importantly because's not my place to do so. 8) Finally, if you honestly think for one single second that anyone would actively choose to be judged like ignorant, uneducated individuals such as yourself for their entire lives JUST to love another person - you're dead wrong.


  1. wow. annoying is the term i choose to use for this individual... it's the only way to describe him without getting extremely vulgar and innapropriate.

    but i do actually feel sorry/sad for him. i'm making a total assumption here, but i'd assume he's following some of the brainwashing from his church. i was raised southern baptist, and as embarrasing as it is to admit, my church told me that being gay was the absolute best way to win a one way ticket to hell.

    as a CHILD, i can remember saying things like ''ewwww those boys are kissing'' or ''omg your left ear is pierced, your gay gross!'' fortunantly, as i grew up, i began questioning my church. why would god damn some one to hell by creating them to love something so sinful? how can we expect some one to live a life without love, when if asked to do the same thing we'd be devastated? when these answers were met by ignorance and half-assed excuses, i'd bring in the heavy artillary and point out that if homosexuality is wrong... so is over eating, having sex with midgets, eating pork, and having sex on your period (to name a few). and yes, these are all in the bible, but people tend to only bend/twist/alter parts that are convinient to them.

    long story short, this is one of the main issues that made it nearly impossible for me to stomach any more of the bullshit that came out of my pastor, youth leader, deacons, etc mouths. homosexuality and the way it's picked apart by religeous leaders was the turning point for me... and after i started questioning that, a million other issues and questions followed.

    so yeah, i'm an athiest today and have been officially for several years. i attempt to live every day helping others and being nice to people. i'm married, but i dont love sean because he's a male and i'm a female, i love him for who he is and how he makes me feel. when i hear people say things like what i'm imagining the guy your responding to said, i feel sorry for them because they are so close minded and SCARED. and if i'm wrong and there is a god, i hope that he/she is the kind of god that wouldn't hate something they created... if he/she is that type of god, i will gladly choose my life sentence to hell.

    but hopefully i'm not wrong :)

  2. Well put, my friend. I just love you.
