Thursday, September 8, 2011


As promised...

My top favorite cheeses (not to hurt any other cheese's feelings...)

1) Chevre
2) Blue Cheese (gorgonzola is a possible tie here)
3) Smoked Gouda
4) Feta
5) Mozzarella

We'll stop there for now. Cheese makes me feel a certain kind of way that I can't really describe - not like a Mom hug or hot chocolate on a cold day, but it does make my heart happy somehow. This is how I like to enjoy the aforementioned cheeses:

Chevre: on a cracker - plain and simple...and this is why it's my favorite.

Blue Cheese: on a salad, stuffed in a pear, with tomatoes and a delicious vinaigrette (no lettuce, just the tomatoes and cheese), with an apple, in a cheesecake ( me...), stuffed in an olive.

Smoked Gouda: in a grilled cheese - a friend gave me the idea, and it really is amazing. It's amazing with spinach on the aforementioned sammich - I can presume it would be delicious with bacon, however, I do not indulge in this delicacy.

Feta: with a crisp greek salad, (again) stuffed in an olive, crumbled on a white pizza with spinach

Mozzarella: IN A CAPRESE SALAD!!!! If you are not privy to this deliciousness I will elaborate - it is so simple: slice FRESH mozzarella, slice tomatoes (I prefer the ones on the vine), salt and pepper the tomatoes, lay the cheese on top, drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar and top with a fresh basil leaf...perfection on a summer plate I tell you...other applications include: margharetta pizza and anything else involving fresh tomatoes and basil.

Ok, that's enough about the cheese for now - I assure you that I will come up with more cheese related entries at some point...promise.

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