Friday, September 2, 2011


Oh happy daaaaay! I love Fridays! Despite the fact that I haven't had a relaxing weekend in almost a month between my brother's wedding, best friend's 30th birthday (80's styleeee), the hurricane and now my Dad's birthday weekend...they're still my favorite day of the week. On top of that, it's a 3-day weekend which means it's a 4 day work week! Score.

I hit the gym 3 times this week and Morgan and I went to Carytown Burgers for dinner last night...I felt slightly guilty for eating all of my fries, but damn were they good. It was a nice treat...I'm not gonna lie.

I am very disturbed by this current reaction to Chaz Bono being on Dancing With The Stars...if he identifies as a man, and is living his life as a man - where's the confusion and what's the problem, really? It's not like he's dressing in drag in order to be the opposite gender - he *is* a male...and that's that. Ignorance...ever so popular and alive. It makes me sick.

I am always amazed at how people act in public - this woman at the Verizon store yesterday told the man that she "didn't want to wait" and he whisked her to the front of the line...mind you she came in after me. I was very confused as I'm sure I've never met a person who ACTUALLY likes to wait - and it made me think about how certain people get special priviledges and this confuses me. Man...I had a whole list of things to write about yesterday - I guess my deep sleep caused me to forget a good majority of it.

While I was in the dog park with the pup this morning, I looked up and noticed the sun perfectly coming through the silos across the street, so I snapped a pic real about times I wish I carried my professional camera with me.

I am exceedingly upset that Morgan had some chick drop their shoulder in to her at school (college...) yesterday and got called "whitey". I don't understand what the hell is wrong with people - why is this kind of shit still happening? I really do not understand why this is still alive and well like the Chaz Bono issue? Aren't we all just people? Isn't that the big push from everyone? We're all people, let's all be treated like just people? Great...if that's that's the case, then just do it - treat everyone equally. I'm so so glad I didn't happen to be with her when this happened...we would have set that record REAL straight.

In other news, I'm sad I'll be missing Antiques in Manchester
this weekend since it's right in my "back yard" which is really just a covered alley - I know it'll be great...I'm excited to participate next weekend for sure!

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