Thursday, July 3, 2014


Two weeks ago I was looking forward to celebrating my (now ex :( ) girlfriend's 30th birthday with her and worried about my cat who had shown some signs of having something wrong with her tummy. Today I am single and my mind is doing that awesome thing that only women going through a break up are capable of doing - making the worst of everything. I've decided that shit simply is not going to work for me. Why should I be sad while she's out having fun? That's not fair. So here will be a bucket list of things I want to do or start making a habit of:
1) go to the gym....even though it sucks...5 days a week
2) photograph everything I can - even if people don't dig it
3) de clutter the hell out of my life. Why is all this shit just hanging around, any damn way?
4) make my bed everyday. Why? Because one day (even though I hope it'll be my current ex) someone will be in it with me and I'll want it to look neat. 
5) volunteer somewhere in the community weekly. 
6) find a day trip spot and go once a month....take the dog with me :)
7) blog every day about how much it sucks to try and lose weight or be dumped or how delicious my dinner was or whatever the hell else I feel like talking about 
8) do things I previously found aversive example: on Wednesday I am going to catholic mass with a friend. I'm excited about this because I am hopeful for a new and different experience as a result of giving it a second try.
9) make and use cool stuff like sugar scrubs and egg/mayo hair conditioner
10) learn to know that although there's been too much loss in my life - nothing lasts forever and everything changes. 

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